Claus: "My name is Claus Meyer. I am an entrepreneur and I work within food. I am ready to take on most projects that have a relationship to food, whatever the food is the weapon or the instruments. For me deliciousness is not an end only it is also a means to achieve something larger than that."

Christina: "I am Christina Meyer Bengtsson, I work as a graphic designer and interior designer primarily in Copenhagen, right now I am based in New York because I have been involved in this big project of doing a food Hall in Grand Central and a restaurant Agern in Grand Central as well for the las few years together with colleagues - Ulrik Nordentoft and graphic designer Søren Waming."    

Claus: "The idea was to try to bring to the middle of New York some of the flavors and ideas that kind of constituted the new Nordic cuisine. My dream was to come over here to create a food hall around some of the most iconic Danish dishes, instead of just rolling the past and part from the modern era of the Nordic cuisine."  
Christina: "The grand prix chair is a beloved iconic chair. It is made by one of our most renowned and famous architects of all times - the furniture of Arne Jacobsen reflects honesty it is a great piece of craftsmanship that has been put in it, It is really good quality and that is something that we as in Meyers are thriving towards. In a way he was a time traveler, in the way that his design was ahead of its time. The shape fits very well in the chevron pattern we have chosen for the restaurant, which somehow also is an oath to New York and the art deco days of design as you see in the Chrysler building across from here. It is a prime example of the Danish modern design and its functionality - one of the reasons way this chair has been popular for so many years and turned a classic. We somehow thought that it would really fit well in this space this historic amazing place at Grand Central."

Claus: "My dream was on the one hand to share with the commuters and the tourists and the New Yorkers who happen to pass by here or visit this kind of beautiful hall. The flavors that means something to me and the food that I believe in but at the same time I always dreamt of a company that would be a wonderful place to work and a company that would bring benefit to the community in which we are."

Christina: "The design and what we have done here in the Hall and the restaurant Agern has been very well received by New Yorkers, they think that we have treated the space with respect. The New York Times called it a Nordic Spa - I think it is true; it has somehow a calming relaxing effect when the guests enter. People say it is an elegant yet welcoming space - it is like an oasis at Grand Central." 


Designed by Christina Meyer Bengtsson